Thursday, December 6, 2007

Friend in Hand Inn

So it was my first day/night here in Australia and I got a phone call from the Miles Merrill who invited me to a poetry reading/slam at a nearby bar. I arrived, unknowing what to expect, jet lagged like there was no tomorrow (or, rather, like it was tomorrow, or yesterday....) So after much prodding and a few drinks I attempted to compete in the slam here. I mean, I did it in Mexico, so why not give it a shot in Australia too?
Two things became very clear to me after that experience:
1) Male judges are pigs
2) The only thing more fun than organizing a poetry slam is competing in one.
oh and maybe
3) 20 AUD may seem lke a lot of money, but don't be fooled, it's not.

I'm currently loving it here in australia, but after being in Mexico for a few weeks, the money situation has blindsided me. I'm not really quite sure what I'm going to do about it.

More later!

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